Harlow, S. (presented August 2021). Posting “Black Lives Matter” on #BlackoutTuesday: News Media’s Change Agents and the Degrees of Separation between Journalism and Activism*. Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication annual meeting, virtual.
* First-place top faculty paper in the Minorities and Communication Division
Harlow, S. & Kilgo, D.K. (presented May 2021). When Black and Brown Lives Matter: The effectiveness of social media messaging on intentions to engage in anti-racism collective action. Paper presented at the International Communication Association annual conference, virtual.
Harlow, S., & Kilgo, D.K. (presented August 2020). Perceptions vs. Performance: How Routines, Norms, and Values Influence Journalists’ Protest Coverage Decisions*. Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication annual meeting, virtual.
* Third-place top faculty paper in the Mass Communication & Society Division
Harlow, S. (presented August 2020). Snaps of Protest: Understanding Snapchat as a Tool to Amplify and Silence Marginalized Voices. Presented at the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication annual meeting, virtual.
Harlow, S., Camaj, L., & Pjesivac, I. (presented May 2020). Rhetoric and Practice of Protest Reporting Across Clientelist Media Systems. Paper presented at the International Communication Association annual meeting, virtual.
Ciszek, E., & Harlow, S. (presented May 2020). Building bridges: A communication heuristic for articulating a commitment to social change. Paper presented at the International Communication Association annual meeting, virtual.
Higgins-Joyce, V., Harlow, S., Schmitz-Weiss, A., & Calmon Alves, R. (presented August 2019). Spatial Dimensions of Latin American Journalists’ Role Perceptions: A Hierarchy of Influence Analysis. Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual conference, Toronto, Canada.
Liu, W., & Harlow, S. (presented 2019, May). Tweeting in Solidarity: Examining Frame Diffusion and Alignment Processes among Immigrant-Serving NGOs in California before and after Donald Trump’s Travel Ban. Paper presented at the International Communication Association annual meeting in Washington, D.C.
Harlow, S. (presented 2018, October). Protecting News Companies and their readers: Exploring Social Media Policies at Latin American News Organizations. Paper presented at the World Association of Public Opinion Research Latin American Congress, Colonia, Uruguay.
Harlow, S. (presented 2018, August). Entrepreneurial News Sites as Worthy Causes? Exploring Readers’ Motivations Behind Donating to Latin American Journalism*. Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual conference, Washington, DC.
*Top paper, 1st Place Faculty Paper in the Media Management, Economics, and Entrepreneurship Division
Harlow, S. & Kilgo, D.K. (presented 2018, August). From the Margins to the Newsfeed: Social Media Audiences’ Disruption of the Protest Paradigm*#. Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual conference, Washington, DC.
*Paper produced as part of the AEJMC Emerging Scholars Grant
#Paper nominated for the AEJMC Professional Excellence Award
Kilgo, D.K. & Harlow, S. (presented 2018, August). Protests, Media Coverage, and a Hierarchy of Social Struggle*. Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual conference, Washington, DC.
*Paper produced as part of the AEJMC Emerging Scholars Grant
Higgins Joyce, V. & Harlow, S. (presented 2018, August). Seeking Transnational, Entrepreneurial News from Latin America: An Audience Analysis*. Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual conference, Washington, DC.
*Top paper, 2nd Place Latino/Latin American Communication Research Award
García-Perdomo, V., Harlow, S., & Kilgo, D.K. (presented 2018, August). Framing the Colombian Peace Process: Between Peace and War Journalism*#. Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual conference, Washington, DC.
*Top paper, 2nd Place Stevenson Open Competition for International Communication
#Top paper, 1st Place Latino/Latin American Communication Research Award
Harlow, S. (presented 2018, May). Alternative Media and Protest: Examining the Impact of Entrepreneurial Online News Sites in Latin America. Paper presented at the International Communication Association annual conference, Prague.
Harlow, S. (presented 2018, May). Re-imagining Social Media Activism: Understanding when New Technologies Silence Marginalized Voices in Social Justice Movements. Paper presented at the International Communication Association annual conference, Prague.
Chadha, M., & Harlow, S. (presented 2018, May). Bottomlines and Deadlines: Examining Local News Startups’ Content across Different Revenue-Earning Sites. Accepted to the International Communication Association annual conference, Prague.
Harlow, S., & Chadha, M. (presented 2018, April). Looking for Community in Community News: An Examination of Public-spirited Content in Online Local News Sites. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Online Journalism, Austin, TX.
Poepsel, M., & Harlow, S. (presented 2017, October). Digital Journalism Entrepreneurship in Mexico. Paper presented at the annual Global Fusion conference, Athens, Ohio.
Harlow, S., & Bachmann, I. (presented 2017, August). Discarding the “Woman Card”: Exploring Gender Politics and Social Media Sharing of U.S. Election News. Paper presented at annual conference, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago.
Harlow, S., & Chadha, M. (presented 2017, August). Entrepreneurial Journalism in India: Toward an Understanding of How Founders’ Social Identity Shapes Innovation and Financial Sustainability. Paper presented at annual conference, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago.
Kilgo, D.K., Harlow, S., Garcia, V., & Salaverria, R. (presented 2017, August). From #Ferguson to #Ayotzinapa: Analyzing the Differences in Domestic and Foreign Protest News Shared on Social Media. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago.
Harlow, S. (presented 2017, July). Latin America’s “Super Pioneers” of Online Journalism: Innovation and Success as an Alternative to Mainstream Media. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Association of Media and Communications Research, Cartagena, Colombia.
Harlow, S., Kilgo, D.K., Salaverria, R., & Garcia, V. (presented 2017, May). The Whole World is Watching on Social Media: Building a Global Protest Typology. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA.
Harlow, S., Rowlett, J., & Gonyea, L.K. (presented 2017, May). “Kim Davis be Like...”: A Feminist Critique of Gender Humor in Online Political Memes. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA.
Mourao, R. R., & Harlow, S. (presented 2017, May). Awareness, Reporting, and Branding: Exploring Brazilian Journalists’ Social Media Use Across Platforms. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA.
Baldwin, J., Harlow, S., Mason, T., & Noli, A. (presented 2017, May). #Gamergate and Online Controversy: Exploring Gender and Incivility in Fandoms on Twitter. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA.