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Selected Recent Publications
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Harlow, S. (2022). Journalism’s Change Agents: Black Lives Matter, #BlackoutTuesday, and a Shift Toward Activist Doxa. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. Online first. 


Harlow, S., & Brown, D. K. (2022). Perceptions versus performance: How routines, norms and values influence journalists’ protest coverage decisions. Journalism, 23(2), 372-390. (First published online, 2020).


Harlow, S. (2021). A New People’s Press? Understanding Digital-Native News Sites in Latin America as Alternative Media. Digital Journalism. Online first.


*Harlow, S., & Kilgo, D. K. (2021). Protest News and Facebook Engagement: How the Hierarchy of Social Struggle Is Rebuilt on Social Media. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 98(3), 665-691.

            * Winner of the 2022 JMCQ article of the year award


Harlow, S. (2021). Entrepreneurial News Sites as Worthy Causes? Exploring Readers’ Motivations Behind Donating to Latin American Journalism. Digital Journalism, 9(3), 364-383. (First published online, 2020).


Harlow, S. (2021). Protecting News Companies and Their Readers: Exploring Social Media Policies in Latin American Newsrooms. Digital Journalism, 9(2), 176-195. (First published online, 2020).


Kilgo, D. K., & Harlow, S. (2021). Hearts and Hahas of the Public: Exploring How Protest Frames and Sentiment Influence Emotional Emoji Engagement with Facebook News Posts. Journalism Studies, 22(12), 1627-1647.


Harlow, S., Kilgo, D. K., Salaverría, R., & García-Perdomo, V. (2020). Is the whole world watching? Building a typology of protest coverage on social media from around the world. Journalism Studies, 21(11), 1590-1608.


*Liu, W. & Harlow, S. (2020). Tweeting in Solidarity: Examining Frame Diffusion and Alignment Processes among Immigrant-Serving NGOs Before and After Donald Trump’s Travel Ban. International Journal of Communication, 14, 6049-6071.

*Semi-finalist for $10,000 Frank Public Interest Communication Award


Schmitz Weiss, A., Higgins Joyce, V. D., Harlow, S., & Alves, R.C. (2020). Defining journalism innovation in Latin America: Exploration into perceptions among educators, students and journalists. Journalism and Mass Communication Educator, 75(4), 419-435.


Harlow, S., Kilgo, D. K., Salaverría, R., & García-Perdomo, V. (2020). Is the Whole World Watching? Building a Typology of Protest Coverage on Social Media From Around the World. Journalism Studies, 21(11), 1590-1608.


Harlow, S., Rowlett*, J., & Gonyea*, L.K. (2020). “Kim Davis be Like...”: A Feminist Critique of Gender Humor in Online Political Memes. Information, Communication & Society, (23)7, 1057-1073. 

* Graduate students


Higgins Joyce, V. D. M., & Harlow, S. (2020). Seeking transnational, digital-native news from Latin America: An audience analysis through the lens of social capital. Journalism Studies, 21(9), 1200-1219.


Mourão, R. R., & Harlow, S. (2020). Awareness, Reporting, and Branding: Exploring Influences on Brazilian Journalists’ Social Media Use across Platforms. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 64(2), 215-235.


Kilgo, D. K., & Harlow, S. (2019). Protests, media coverage, and a hierarchy of social struggle. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 24(4), 508-530.


Harlow, S. (2019). Framing #Ferguson: A comparative analysis of media tweets in the US, UK, Spain, and France. International Communication Gazette, 81(6-8), 623-643.


Harlow, S. (2019). Recognizing the importance of alternative media: Role perceptions and journalistic culture in Brazil. Journalism Studies, 20(1), 117-135.


Harlow, S., & Benbrook*, A. (2019). How #Blacklivesmatter: Exploring the role of hip-hop celebrities in constructing racial identity on Black Twitter. Information, Communication & Society, 22(3), 352-368.

 * Graduate student


Harlow, S., & Chadha, M. (2019). Indian Entrepreneurial Journalism: Building a typology of how founders’ social identity shapes innovation and sustainability. Journalism Studies, 20(6), 891-910.


Harlow, S., & Chadha, M. (2018). Looking for Community in Community News: An Examination of Public-spirited Content in Online Local News Sites. Journalism, online first.


Harlow, S. (2018). Quality, Innovation, and Financial Sustainability: Central American entrepreneurial journalism through the lens of its audience. Journalism Practice, 12(5), 543-564.


Kilgo, D.K., Harlow, S., García-Perdomo, V., Salaverría, R. (2018). From #Ferguson to #Ayotzinapa: Analyzing the Differences in Domestic and Foreign Protest News Shared on Social Media. Mass Communication & Society, 21(5), 606-630.


Rowlett*, J.T, & Harlow, S. (2018). Selfies and sensationalism on the campaign trail: A visual analysis of Snapchat's political coverage. Visual Communication Quarterly, 25(2), 82-92.

 * Graduate student


Ji*, Q., Harlow, S., Cui*, D., & Wang*, Z. (2018). Discussing Environmental Issues in Chinese Social Media: An Analysis of Greenpeace China’s Weibo Posts and Audience Responses. The Journal of Social Media in Society, 7(1), 37-60.

 * Graduate students


Schmitz Weiss, A., De Macedo Higgins Joyce, V., Harlow, S., & Calmon Alves, R. (2018). Innovation and Sustainability: A relationship examined among Latin American Entrepreneurial News Organizations. Cuadernos, 42, 87-100.


García-Perdomo, V., Salaverría, R., Kilgo, D. K., & Harlow, S. (2018). To share or not to share: The influence of news values and topics on popular social media content in the United States, Brazil, and Argentina. Journalism Studies, 19(8), 1180-1201.


Harlow, S., Salaverría, R., Kilgo, D. K., & García-Perdomo, V. (2017). Protest Paradigm in Multimedia: Social Media Sharing of Coverage About the Crime of Ayotzinapa, Mexico. Journal of Communication, 67(3), 328-349.


Harlow, S. (2016). Reconfiguring and Remediating Social Media as Alternative Media: Exploring Youth Activists’ Digital Media Ecology in El Salvador. Palabra Clave, 19(4), 997-1026. 


Harlow, S., & Salaverría, R. (2016). Regenerating journalism: Exploring the 'alternativeness' and 'digital-ness' of online-native media in Latin America. Digital Journalism 4(8), 1001-1019.


Harlow, S. (2015). Losing Focus: Goal Displacement at an Alternative Newspaper in El Salvador. Media Culture and Society, 37(8), 1119-1137.


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